How to Calculate Your Electricity Bill

Here is the formula
Bill Amount= (P*T*D*$)/1000


1. P= Power of Appliance (in watts/kilowatts)
Many high power appliances have labels on their back stating power ratings in watts, indicated by “W”.
Some have rating written like 200-300W, in these cases chose middle value, 250W.
For Example a fridge labels 190 W
Now convert these watts into kilowatts by simply dividing them by 1000. If label provides the ratings in kilowatts then skip this step.
From above example 190/1000 = 0.190kilowatts

2. T= Number of hour you use your appliance in one day
At this stage, you must know that for how long, in a day, you use the appliance.
Example fridge is in use 24 hrs. So, 0.190*24= 4.56 kilowatt-hours

3. D= Number of days you are measuring for
Now you know how many kilowatt-hours the device uses every day. To calculate your kilowatt-hours per month or per year, just multiply by then number of days in that period.
Example  Fridge is used whole moth(30 days) 4.56*30= 136.8

4. $= Cost of one electricity unit in your country (One electrical unit =kWh)
Your electricity bill lists the cost per kilowatt-hour. If you don’t find it there go to you electricity provider’s website and search for electricity charges. Like my country charges five rupees for one unit.
Example   136.8*5= 684 rupees
Here you go; you have learnt to measure your electricity expenses. 

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