Today we will learn how to check LEDs, are they good or
So, first you need to know the polarity of LED. It means that which leg of LED is positive, and which one is negative. For this put your led in-front of you. You will observe that one leg of LED is longer than the other, longer leg is positive and shorter one is negative.
If due to some reasons you won’t be able to differentiate from legs, you also have another method. Focus on the transparent glass of LED, you will find two separate parts in it. These are electrodes. Tiny one represents positive, while the wide on shows the negative side. Both presentation are in above figure.
Now make sure that red probe of DMM (Digital Multi-Meter) is plugged into a slot showing Voltage, Diode check and Continuity check symbols while black probe should be in port with symbol “COM”.
Turn the selector switch of DMM and select the option shown below.
By pressing the HOLD/SEL button switch to Diode check
function from Continuity function.
Now when all set, connect positive probe of DMM to positive
leg of LED and negative probe of DMM to the negative leg of LED.
If LED is healthy then DMM will show some reading and LED
will glow. If LED doesn’t glow but meter shows some readings that also means
that LED is healthy.
On the other hand, if connections sre same as above and LED doesn’t glow and even DMM doesn’t show any reading except “OL” then “I feel really sorry about your Luck, you led is no more” 😋.
So that’s all for this week please visit and consider subscribing my YouTube channel also, do let me know about your precious responses.
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